COMET DSL Hello World

This section will go over steps to compile your first COMET DSL program, once COMET has been successfully built (see: Build and test COMET).


def main() {
  # IndexLabel declarations
  IndexLabel [i] = [4];                 # static index label
  IndexLabel [j] = [4];
  IndexLabel [k] = [4];

  # Tensor declarations
  Tensor<double> A([i, j], {Dense});    # declare a dense tensor
  Tensor<double> B([j, k], {Dense});
  Tensor<double> C([i, k], {Dense});

  # Tensor Fill operation
  A[i, j] = 2.4;                        # initialization
  B[j, k] = 3.2;
  C[i, k] = 0.0;                        # all values are initialized to 0

  # Tensor Contraction
  C[i, k] = A[i, j] * B[j, k];          # perform matrix multiplication

  print(C);                             # print the matrix

Convert TA dialect to IT dialect using --convert-ta-to-it pass, and then to loops using --convert-to-loops pass. These passes are available in comet-opt that should be located in build/bin:

$ comet-opt --convert-ta-to-it --convert-to-loops myFirst.ta &> myFirst.mlir

Convert loops (SCF dialect) to std dialect using --convert-scf-to-std pass and then std to LLVM dialect using --convert-std-to-llvm pass. These passes are available in mlir-opt that should be located in llvm/build/bin:

$ mlir-opt --convert-scf-to-std --convert-std-to-llvm myFirst.mlir &> myFirst.llvm

Execute LLVM on CPU using mlir-cpu-runner that is located in llvm/build/bin. The shared libraries ( libcomet_runner_utils and libmlir_runner_utils ) are utilized for runtime calls.

$ mlir-cpu-runner myFirst.llvm -O3 -e main -entry-point-result=void -shared-libs=build/lib/libcomet_runner_utils.dylib,llvm/build/lib/libmlir_runner_utils.dylib